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Simple crochet ...

Another Japanese crochet book, all about cushions …

…. and I "need" 4 flat cushions for the chairs around our dining table, so I tried the pattern of the yellow flower, on the right of the book cover ….

The chairs are covered in white heavy cotton fabric, so I can play with colours as I wish, but I'm thinking that this pattern is even good for some wall decorations…. so I'm still pondering what use is better for those flowers-to-be !!! ;oD

I'm still putting some order in my stuff and in a box I found 5 granny squares I crocheted a while ago, when still in Jakarta …. what to do with them?
Luckily I still have some balls of the colourful acrylic yarns I was using in Indonesia, so I decided to use some bright colours to join the squares into a little basket …

…. that is nice even on the top of the wooden cat !!! Not useful, but nice !!! ;oD

Last thing ….

…. a big project that Margot is in love with, too !!!!
I really appreciate that, but this doesn't make my job easier, you know …. !!!!

xxxx, Alessandra


  1. Hi, it looks like very big potholders, lol, but I agree with you, also in nice colors made, beautiful for wall decoration. And Margot...... haha.... all those loose ends of the blanket, fun to play with, byebye

    1. You are right Francien!!! The pattern for the cushion reminds the one of the hundreds of potholders we saw during the last year in Blogland or Pinterest!!! just bigger …!!!!
      Margot love those tails a lot…. I hope to finish the work in a couple of days!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

  2. Hi Allesandra,

    I wanted to thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Aren't those Japanese books beautiful?! I had a look through a Japanese book with sewing patterns recently. Absolutely lovely too. Lovely cushions and you chose some great colours for you blanket!

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  3. I find it very hard to comment on your posts Ale, because the comment box is invisible - I can only post a reply - hence my writing here. This is not the first time this happened, but I was persistent and refreshed the page over and over again until it appeared. I wanted to say that the granny square box / holder is terrific! And that seat flower cushion fantastic although I would use it to decorate the walls :)

  4. Your crochet and yarns can really tell a great story of your different travels around the place! xx

  5. Margot is so sweet :-)
    Like all of your projects!
    Need to make some stool cushions too...
    Have a nice day, Sigrid

    1. Thank you Sigrid!!!
      Margot is a very good companion while I crochet, always!!!! ;oD
      Have a great week, xxxxx Ale

  6. The pictures in the Japanese crochet books are always so pretty. I wish I could decipher diagrams. . I need it written out in words to make any sense to me. My brain doesn't think in patterns. Margot is a love and your new project is nice and colorful. Cute granny basket, too.

  7. Che cosa succede se Margot ragno la coperta???? io paura ... hahahaha! Ale, copertina essere molto belle! un abbraccio da Catalogna!

  8. Such a pretty seat cushion! Lovely crochet work!
    Kate :}

  9. Whow je bent een bezige bij! Zo mooie kleurtjes allemaal! Fijne dag!

    1. I like to keep both my hands and mind busy busy busy!!!! ;oD
      thank you, xxxxxx Ale

  10. Oooooooh - such lovely crochet makes Alessandra! I really like the flower chair cushion idea - the one you made is beautiful :) I could never follow crochet diagrams on their own - I need it all written out for me LOL! Nice to find and use some crochet squares - cool idea :) :)
    Alison x

  11. I am pleased to inform you that I have nominated your blog "Liebster Awards":

    Happy ceremony!

    1. Thank you Sandra, very sweet from you!
      xxxxxx Ale

  12. glad you are having fun! the blanket looks like being delicious! X

  13. That seems to be a great book!! Very beautiful, your flower cushion. Reminds me of a potholder design (an idea that had to be kept, I think... several potholder or dishcloth designs could be modified into a chair cushion, couldn't they?). I like that colorful cube very much, and the blanket as well. Not to forget sweet Margot ♥. Happy Sunday!! Nata xxx


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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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