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Showing posts from September, 2014

The Europe Bunting !!!

I wrote a photo tutorial to follow in case you want to crochet a circle in a rectangle ( here  and  here ), because I needed some rectangles (with circles in the middle!) to prepare a bunting for the upcoming event in school, that is International Week! Not just a colourful bunting, but one dedicated to Europe …. and I did it !!! This morning I completed it … I needed to embroider 12 stars (the real flag has 13 stars on it!) on each flag …. I have 16 flags, so I decided to work the simplest stars ever, just using some straight stitches, some yellow yarn and a yarn needle…. yesterday afternoon I completed this task ! ;oD This morning …. …. I started to join the flags : with the royal blue yarn and a 4mm hook, I crocheted 100 chains, then I picked my first flag and I continued to crochet into the top of the top stitches (using single crochets). At the end the flag (so for all the spaces between two adjacent flags) I crocheted 15 chains …. …. and I complete

This Wednesday morning….

…. Looking down from my bedroom window,  I saw this blue flood of people coming from the beach …. …. they are members of a Zionist Church, that have the custom to worship in the open air. Every morning I watch little groups of them, but Wednesday had to be a big day (but I don't know why, mine it's only a deduction), because of the big number of persons participating at the ceremony in their blue ritual garments …. xxxx Alessandra In the meantime, I found more informations about African Zionism : please, read  here  and  here  ! thank you !

Another architectural walking tour : colonial Maputo

Last Thursday morning, my husband took a day off from work so we booked a new walking tour with  Maputo a pe  ! This time the theme was : Colonial Maputo . The morning was bright and with a gentle breeze from the ocean and we had a great guide, who was really well informed about all the buildings we looked at : such a pleasure to listen and to ask more questions!!! There are a lot of pictures, because we had two cameras with us and not all the photos are strictly colonial themed …. !!!! Wanna have a look? let's start, then!!! xxxx Alessandra