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Showing posts from July, 2013


...up in the sky, in front of our home, last night.... ....but, we still have some in our home..... ....oh yes, just imagination.....such a great thing!!!!! xxxx Alessandra

The moon, one week ago (23/07/2013)....

......was playing hide and seek with me.... ....and she was so beautiful!!!!! xxxx Alessandra

A parcel that travelled a lot !!!!

.....Yesterday my husband joined us (!!!) and he brought me a parcel that arrived in Indonesia for me (while I was already here in Italy), that was sent from Holland.... ...Well, I won a nice giveaway from Martine of  Bees and Appletrees , some months ago! She has two little kids and this means that she is a little bit busy at the moment! I was not in a hurry and we agreed via email to have the Owl IPad sleeve (customised for me in my favourite colours! Thank you Martine!) when possible!!!! The parcel arrived yesterday to me and I was so excited and happy, even because there was not only the sleeve (you can have a look at Martine's  Pretty Crochet Shop  on Etsy to find the pattern!) but some more sweet goods....!!!!!.... IPad in it's brand new sleeve (!!!!!)..... Another photo group of all my goodies.... ....So HAPPY!!!!! Thank you Martine, you have been so kind to crochet this sleeve for me and I appreciate your work (and the time s

Make it ! Spiky baby blanket !!!!

...As some of you know, I've followed  this tutorial  (thank you LuAnn!!!) to make this granny stripes blanket (ideal for a crib, I think!)..... My beginning chain was made of 111 stitches and I started my work using the grey acrylic yarn, that is the colour that I've then used in the between of all the bright stripes! The size of the hook : 4mm. All the yarns are italian acrylics, very soft and warm! ;oD I've used balls of 50g each : 3 grey, 2 red and 1 for every shade! Obviously, there are leftovers! For each colour, the first stripe is made of 35 shells (total:105 stitches)+2 DCs at the beginning of the row+2 DCs at the end of the same row. TOTAL: 109 stitches. The second stripe, instead, is made of 36 shells (total: 108 stitches)+1 DC at the beginning of the row+1 DC at the end of the same row. Total: 110 stitches. ;oD Please remember that I follow the american crochet terminology for my work! For each colour (the grey is included, too