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Make it ! My Granny Patchwork Blanket !!!

Hi my Dears !!!!!
I'm here for a quick "Hello!" and just to say I'm fine and that last week we moved in the temporary flat…
I had to put away most of my yarns, but in the meantime I crocheted a little bit …. 2 mini blankets are right now off my hooks and a new little project is on the way…
I found some variegated yarns in my boxes and drawers and I decided to use them in a granny project…

… and this is what I came up with …

The yarns used were all bought in Jakarta, little by little, just after I learnt how to crochet…
I'm not a huge fan of variegated yarns, but sometimes is really good to try something different…
What I liked about working with this yarns was that I didn't have to change colours after each round of a granny : the yarn itself did this job for me !!!! Less ends to cut and trim : so relaxing!!! ;oD

The project was really quick to complete, as I was working with a 6mm hook and I decided to crochet just a lap blanket, to keep on the sofas …. we are in "winter" in this part of the world, right now!


…. Margot was very useful as a tester of the blanket to be !!!!


I worked 64 grannies (8x8) for this lap blanket (but I don't remember the dimensions of it, as all the notes are away in one of the boxes put in storage … sorry !) and I joined them with the join as you go method : you can find the one you prefer via Pinterest join as you go method or how to join granny squares ) or YouTube how to join granny squares or the join as you go method ).

Please note that I follow the US crochet terminology in my works.

Collect the hook and the chosen colour for the granny square : make a slip knot on your hook and chain 4 stitches, slip stitch in the first chain to form a ring.

round 1 : chain 1
repeat [ 3 double crochets + chain 3 ] 4 times
make a slip stitch in the top of the first DC (=double crochet) to complete the first round
(**)make 2 more slip stitches in the tops of the following DCs of the same shell and another slip stitch in the first corner you meet : now you are ready to start

round 2 : chain 1
repeat [ 3 DCs + chain 3 + 3 DCs and chain 1 ] 4 times
slip stitch in the top of the first DC to end the round
repeat (**) as in the first round : you can start, then

round 3 : chain 1
repeat [ 3 DCs + chain 3 + 3 DCs and chain 1,  3 DCs in chain-1 space, chain 1 ] 4 times
slip stitch in the top of the first DC to complete this round
repeat (**) as in the previous round, so you can crochet the last round

round 4 : chain 1
repeat [ 3 DCs + chain 3 + 3 DCs and chain 1, 3 DCs in chain-1 space + chain 1, 3 DCs in 2nd chain-1 space and chain 1] 4 times
slip stitch in the top of the first DC to close the round
make 2 slip stitches in the following DCs
cut yarn and fasten off; trim in the ends


After all the ends were trimmed and cut, I decided to keep my blanket very simple.
In fact, I just made a simple border all around : 1 round of single crochets !!! Easy peasy !!

To give some personality to the blanket I decided to add some fringes …

In the picture above you can have a glimpse of the thin border ( in dark grey ) and of the first fringes …

Each fringe is made of 6 strands of yarn, each measuring 15 cm, and they are positioned only in the chain-1 spaces ( none in the corners ) along the whole blanket, as you can see …

… and here it is , in all its beauty …

…. and some extras …

xxxx Alessandra

… btw, I really missed you all a lot and this little place of mine, too !!! ;oD

Today links : Link your Stuff !, Busy Fingers Showing Off and Craft Schooling Sunday !!!

Please, show me your makes on IG using the following hashtag : #homemadeatmyplaceoriginals or  tagging me @alessandrapoggiagliolmi .

Text, Design and Photography : Alessandra Poggiagliolmi

All Rights Reserved. No part of this pattern may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.


  1. Welcome back Ale,

    You did a good job with this quilt. The colours are very very pretty, you can feel Djakarta in them.
    I adore the last picture of your beautiful cat with its gaze of surprise (or is it misdemeanor?)

    I also posted a kind of crochetwork just now. You can have a peek here:

    Have a nice Sunday
    I hope you enjoy your new place


    1. Thank you Brigitte!!!!
      Margot was a little bit scared by myself while taking pictures from the top of a mini ladder! ;oD
      I'm going to read your post right now!!!!
      Happy sunday, xxxxx Ale

  2. Hai Alex...what a beauty your granny patchwork blanket!Love all those colors in it,it gaves a special look!LOL ...cats are always busy trying to lay down on your crochet work if they can! ;-)

    Enjoy your new home!


  3. Hi Ale. Your granny blanket looks very pretty - nice and colorful. :)

    1. Hi Debi !!!!!!
      So lovely to have you here : such a long time since your last visit!!!!
      Thank you for liking my blanket, xxxxx Ale

  4. It's great and very nice! :)))

  5. Mooi met het spikkeltjesgaren en super met die mini-franjes... Jullie kat ziet het helemaal zitten! :-)

    1. ….. my cat has such a good taste, you know !
      thank you, xxxxx Ale

  6. Hellooooooooooo, good to hear from you:) Great blanket, and the yarn, well .. I like it, and mr. pussycat also. Glad to hear you moved into another appartement, hope you all feel ok there, byebye Francien

    1. Hi my dear Francien!!!!!!
      We are fine in the new flat, even though we can stay here until the end of July!!! ;oD
      thank you for liking my new project, xxxxxx Ale

  7. Ciao,Ale!Ben trovata!Spero tutto ok!Bella l'idea delle frange...Buona settimana!

  8. Your blanket is gorgeous and I love the tassels!! I am so pleased to hear from you, I have been thinking about you Alessandra and wondering how you were doing, so I am very glad to know you are OK. I hope that the new - for now! - place is OK and that you are alright too. Keep taking care of yourself my dear. xx

  9. Another great creation Alessandra, the pretty kitty seems to appreciate it first!

  10. Wonderful to see you again Ali, hope all is well! What a wonderful little blanket, especially love that fringe! thanks for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

    1. thank you Sara !!!!
      I feel better, ;oD
      happy week, xxxxx Ale

  11. I love it!!! I made a bunch of squares (need to make a few more) and would like to use your fringe & put together a blanket for me for winter :)

    1. I would love to see it!!!!
      happy week, xxxxx Ale

  12. Hi Alessandra - what a beautiful blanket, I'm enjoying the variegated yarns now too :) :) So sorry to hear you have had so much upset in the last while - I've been a little out of touch. I hope your new place is OK if only for a little while - you'll be sure to have it looking homely and beautiful for sure, knowing you!! Thinking of you :)
    Alison xx

  13. I like it because it is different, will experiment with variegated yarn crochet myself xxxxxxx Leah

  14. Hello dear Ale, good to know that you are allright !
    You have made such a beautiful blanket in the meantime... And Margot is the best model ever, what a sweetie! Isn't she scared by all the moving she has done in her life? See you soon, lots of love and good luck, Mirjam.

    1. thank you my dear Mirjam!!!!!!
      Margot, I think, is so used to move from a place to another ….. what I noticed is that, in this flat we are in now, she is more calm and relaxed!!! Good for her and for us all!!!! ;oD
      have a great week, xxxx Ale

  15. Ciao Ale!

    I saw the pic on Facebook before I saw the name, but I KNEW it was you - such a great idea! It looks a little magic carpet :-)

    Yup, you'll find that winter doesn't much i your new hometown :-) - hope you can settle down soon, it is horrible to move and move and move again.

    When are you coming down to the Garden Route for a holiday...?

  16. You are back! Hope you will feel at home very soon in your new appartment! What a great post, blankets, yarn and cat! Love to see all your pictures!
    My best wishes for you and your family! Glad you are fine! Hug!

    1. Yes I am !!!! In the apartment, as it's temporary, I have to feel at home as less as possible, but we are feeling fine here!!!!
      Things are a little bit better right now, thank you!!!
      hugs and xxxx to you, Ale

  17. Love the blanket - especially the fringe.

  18. Ciao, Ale! Felice di vederti di nuovo qui! anche io vedo che tu lavora molto duro lavoro! bella coperta! e un bellissimo gatto! Penso che fosse anche in amore con la coperta!
    Buona giornata! baci da Catalonia!

  19. Lo sapevo che non saresti rimasta a lungo senza uncinettare un po ; ) l' effetto delle copertine sembra morbido e caldo ,Margot è dolcissima , moto tranquilla anche lei , forse un buon modo per tornare alla normalità ! Ti abbraccio , buon lavoro e a presto

  20. It looks really cozy!! Just love the simple granny square!!
    Kate :}

  21. What a fun blanket! I love it!!!

  22. What a pretty blanket! Beautiful colors and I love the funny short tassels, really sweet :-). Naturally not to forget cute Margot! Happy weekend!!


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I'm very happy to see you here! After your visit, feel free to leave a comment!
I love to hear from you and I like to keep in touch!
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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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