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"HELLO !" sign : DONE !!!

I've promised you a post at the beginning of the week, but the working and final touches took more time than expected…. sorry !!!

lying the letters made more simple and fast the selection of the proper yarns for borders…

…. and for the ribbons….

…. to wrap around metallic hangers…

Each time one hanger was ready ( the glue had to dry properly), I attached one letter to it using the "join-as-you-go" method…

Few days ago all the letters were ready…

…. and they were patiently waiting for the right moment to be hanged at the entrance wall….

…. so, this morning, I kindly asked my husband to hammer some nails in the wall….

…the light was not yet good to take quality pictures, but I didn't want to wait anymore!!!!

…. just to give you an idea of their dimensions….

…. some pompoms and a "!" were mandatory…..

…. Another look ????


This project was really simple :

  •  5mm hook
  • some colourful yarns (acrylic worked well for me), to crochet 5 rounds granny squares (total : 47)
  • join as you go method, used to attach each granny square to another and to join the letters to the hangers
  • a pair of scissors
  • a yarn needle
  • 5 metallic hangers
  • ribbons to wrap around hangers
  • some extra yarns to crochet the borders for each letter (just a round of US single crochets)
  • one pom pom maker
  • glue
  • clear fishing line to fix the "E" and both "L"s and to attach the dot of the exclamation mark!!!!
  • nails and hammer
  • THAT'S ALL !!!!!
Previous posts about the making of the granny letters : hereherehere and here !!!!

xxxx Alessandra

Today link : Link your Stuff! 

Please, show me your makes on IG using the following hashtag : #homemadeatmyplaceoriginals or  tagging me @alessandrapoggiagliolmi .

Text, Design and Photography : Alessandra Poggiagliolmi

All Rights Reserved. No part of this pattern may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.


  1. Ohhh.... this is really so nice! A great idea and a warm welcome to visitors, I really love it. Have a merry Christmas time, byebye

  2. Wow, you finished a big project, so cheerful! Great idea to use wrapped hangers, I love it! Greetings from Marijke

  3. HELLO is it me you looking for ♪♫
    wowww how cute and lovely

    hugs jenneke

  4. and a good 2014

  5. @ Franciens : thank you so much and Buon Natale to you !!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  6. @ Jenneke : thank you my dear and " Buon Natale e Felice 2014" !!!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  7. Dear Ale, Or should I say Hello. It looks really great and what warm welcome for visitors.
    Also I want to wish you an merry, merry X-mas and a loving and creative 2014. Love from Holland, Tinie

  8. My goodness what a lot of work and so nicely done!
    What a great idea!

  9. HELLO! there! love the picture with the bike! what a wonderful sign, everyone will feel very welcome! Heather x

  10. Well this is really a creative outburst. Congratulations with your beautiful signs!
    Hope you and your family will have a lovely Christmas time, hope to 'see' you next year!


  11. Very friendly and kind !!!

  12. Hello Alessandra I have only just found your blog and put it on my favourites list in my blog. I love this sign, it is stunning and looks perfect on your wall, I am already having ideas about putting the initials of my grandchildren into crochet for their rooms. Fabulous post Alessandra, thank you so much. Have a lovely time over the festive period. Big hug

  13. It looks great Ale - a nice surprise for the visitors to your home. :)

  14. How cool is that - it is crazy great!!!!!

  15. @ Elisabeth Andre'e : thank you for liking it!!!!
    Wish you a lovely Christmas and a wonderful 2014!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  16. This sign looks fabulous!
    I am wishing you very happy Christmas for you, Ale!

  17. Ale, I love, love, love your crocheted HELLO!!!! It is so colorful and fun! Really great with the bike underneath. Where do you come up with these ideas? Fantastic! Best wishes, Tammy

  18. Hello 2U2!

    SOOOOO cute.
    Love it.
    Especially the picture with the bike in it.

    Could perfectly serve as a calendarpicture.

  19. STUPENDO!Meraviglioso,mi piace tantissimo!Peccato non avere una parete libera...Lo ripenserò in miniatura!Bravissima,bella l'idea di usare gli appendini.Baci!

  20. Nice!!!!! They look awesome on your wall. You must be getting a very happy feeling every time you walk past by them!

  21. Amazing, Ale! That is quite a difficult idea to put into practice, and you did it! Love the pictures, especially the one with the bike. Happy weekend!
    Helen x

  22. You have every right to be proud. It is fantastic and absolutely adorable. Is there a better way to enter your hall... And the pompons are the perfect finishing touch!

  23. @ Brigitte : thank you!!!! I never thought about doing a calendar with some of my pics…..!!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  24. So inspiring! Love it, am sure you smile when ever you see it. This alphabet ideas can be used in so many ways, cheer a room, decorate a nursery, or even crochet small ones and frame it :) You shud think of making all your unique ideas of crochet into a calender or printing it on bags such stuff

  25. so beautifull and cheerfull!

  26. Ciao Alessandra,rimango sempre piacevolmente colpita dalle tue creazioni così originali e di qualità.
    Colgo l'occasione per augurarti buone feste.
    A presto
    Maria Luisa

  27. That's brilliant, so colourful and what a welcome. The ribbon coated hangers with the poms finish it off a treat! I hope that you have a lovely Christmas, Sarah xo

  28. @ Maria Luisa : grazie per passare da queste parti quando puoi !!!!!!
    ti augur un Felice Natale ed un sereno 2014!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  29. Well Hello to you too! What a great idea! :) x

  30. It just makes me smile Ale and I think your visitors will too.
    So bright and cheery in the entry to your home.......

    Claire XX

  31. Great idea!So nicely put on the wall!

  32. What a funny idea! Looks great :-)
    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
    Nata xxx

  33. How fun!! I don't see how anyone coming into your home couldn't smile after looking at that happy message in such cheery colors!
    Kate :}


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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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