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Buon Natale e Felice 2014 !!!!

This time of the year has finally arrived !!!!!

We are ready, the boys are excited (is Santa coming this year????) and we'll celebrate with other friends in Jakarta….
I need to finish some cooking and that's it!!!!

I wish you all BUON NATALE and a FELICE 2014 !!!! 
If you are not celebrating Christmas, I wish you a nice time to spend together with your families and take some good rest!!!! Enjoy and be merry !!!!!

I need even to THANK YOU all my new blog, Facebook and Pinterest followers : you are really nice and you make me happy, a lot!!!!

I'm taking a short blog break and we'll see each other again in the new year !!!!! Be patient and don't forget about me !!!!! ;oD

LOVE, xxxx Alessandra


  1. Merry Christmas and happy 2014 to you also !

  2. wish you and the family al te best for 2014 and a beautiful christmas wjat a lovely pictures ( the cat ♥) and that "car"with all the christmas decorations i love it
    hugs jenneke

  3. @ Taciana : thank you !!!!!!
    xxxxxx ale

  4. @ Jenneke : thank you my dear !!!!!!
    xxxxx ale

  5. Merry Christmas and the warmest of wishes for 2014 Alessandra!

    Nina x

  6. Merry X-mas and a happy, healthy and creative 2014 ! x Syl

  7. Hi Ale. Your home looks so lovely and festive! Wishing you a Blessed Christmas!

  8. what's this you have, your very own christmas barrow! and the tallest christmas tree ever!! Love your christmas collections and twizzel tree. Have a lovely christmas time with your family, see you when get back, Heather x

  9. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014, Ale. GOD bless you and your family.

    You have a nice 'gerobak' with all the beautiful christmas decorations.

  10. @ Zeina : thank you and merry christmas to you !!!
    xxxxx Ale

  11. Your house looks wonderful! Merry Christmas Ale xxx Janette

  12. @ Janette : thank you and merry christmas to you and your family !!!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  13. Wish you a very merry Christmas Ale, hope it's a good one! :) x

  14. I hug you and wish you a merry x-mas and a creative 2014. I think you´ll have a lot to share. ;o)
    XXXXO, Martina♥

  15. @Martina : you are so sweet as usual, thank you!
    Merry Christmas , xxxxxxxx Ale

  16. Lovely Christmas decorations! Wishing you also BUON NATALE and a FELICE 2014! See you next year, byebye Francien

  17. Buone Feste,Ale!Baci e a presto!:-)

  18. Bon Nadal, Ale! els meus millors desitjos per tu i la teva familia! Gràcies una vegada més per compartir amb nosaltres retalls de la teva vida! gràcies!Petons des de Catalunya!

  19. Auguri di cuore di Buon Natale e tranquille feste. Tina

  20. @ Franciens : grazie !!! ;oD
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  21. @ Cristina : thank you to be one of my bloggy friend!!! Buon Natale and see you soon, xxxx Ale

  22. Hi Ale. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! :)

  23. What a beautiful Christmas house Ale!
    Wishing you very merry days, and see you again in the next year.... Hugs from Mirjam.

  24. Merry Christmas! Enjoy the holidays your family! :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog, I always love reading your comments!

  25. A very Merry Christmas! And a creative and happy 2014!

  26. Merry Christmas to you too! Have a nice rest! :) Your decoration looks wonderful and wow!.... what a tree!
    ♥♥♥ Lucia

  27. Zalige foto's van jullie kerstsfeer! Zalige poes!
    Fijne kerstdagen en een prachtig 2014!
    Op naar een topblogjaar!

  28. Have a very merry Christmas, Alessandra! And, a wonderful and crafty New Year! :)

  29. @ Evi : I love to visit your blog!!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  30. @ lucia : so nice to hear from you!!!!
    see you soon, xxxxxx Ale

  31. @ Onlie Mie : thank you (even from my cat!) !!!
    Wish you a wonderful time, xxxxx Ale


  32. Alessandra, merry Christmas ! Wish You good mood , good luck , health and joy of creation !))

  33. Thank you my dear !!!! Happy crafting even to you!
    Merry Christmas, xxxx Ale

  34. Dear Ale, I wish you and your family a wonderful christmastime. Much love and happiness and I hope Santa will bring some presents. (hihi). Love Tinie

  35. Счастливого Рождества и Нового года! До встречи.

  36. @ Elvira : Thank you so much !!!!! I've used google translate !!! ;oD xxxx Ale

  37. I wish you the merriest and happiest Christmas ever!

  38. BUON NATALE ANCHE DALLA PARTE NOSTRA E FELICE ANNO NUOVO!!!!!! Tanti auguri a tutta la Famiglia!
    Nata & Fam

  39. Wishing you and yours Ales a magical Christmas time...Merry Merry Christmas

    Amanda xx

  40. Hope you and your family are enjoying a lovely Christmas, Alessandra!

    Beata xox

  41. Grazie e tanti auguri anche a voi !Il tuo albero è bellissimo come tutte le decorazioni di questo post !
    Buon riposo, anche se sono sicura avrai la mente piena di nuovi progetti !
    A presto

  42. Your tree is SO big.

    Thanks for the nice wishes,
    all the same for you.

    Have a great break.

    (very beautiful cat pictures)

  43. Alessandra what wonderful images, so enjoyed looking at them all. So glad that I found your wonderful blog this year.
    Big Happy New Year Hugs

  44. No danger of us forgetting you x

    Here's hoping your Christmas was fabulous and that 2014 brings only good things to you and yours x

  45. I hope you had nice days in Jakarta! I wish you all the best for 2014, and thank you for all your nice and colorfull ideas you shared here! Greetings, Marijke

  46. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!! I can't wait to see what crocheting you have in store this year!!
    Kate :}

  47. Beautiful decorations & athmosphere!
    Did you now - South Africa has the province of KwaZulu-Natal, previously only Natal, nd it got its name from the first Portugese (I think) seafarers who observed land on Christmas Day centuries ago? In the 1800's it was known as natalia, and then became Natal, now it has the combined name as it is also the homeland of the Zulu people, hence "Kwa".

  48. @ Stel : I like to discover these little historical gems about South Africa! Thank you Stel, xxxxx Ale


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Hi my dear reader!
I'm very happy to see you here! After your visit, feel free to leave a comment!
I love to hear from you and I like to keep in touch!
I'll answer you back asap!!
Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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