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Make it! Sweet tiny yarn butterflies!!!

When a little kid, my mum (grazie mamma!! <3) used to entertain me and my sisters with some crafts....At that time, we were living in Canada (Calgary, Alberta) and the winter was long....So, simple crafts were a good solution to pass a good time all together!!!

I remember fondly one of them : mini butterflies made from yarn leftovers, like these ones...

.....I think they are extremely beautiful and colourful....they make me smile for sure!!!!
The fact is that they are even so easy to make....!!!! In few minutes you'll have tons of them!!!
It's a very inexpensive craft and you'll need just...

  • a fork (in this case, with 4 prongs)
  • some little balls of yarn
  • a pair of scissors
Do you want to have some nice butterflies, too, in your home???? 
Well, follow me and the simple instructions....

We'll work with 2 different colours/yarns, so that you'll recognize the central body with a pair of antenna from the pair of wings!

Starting with the antenna/body yarn, cut a piece of 20cm and place it in the dent in the middle of your fork, like here...

...and keep it in place with the help of your thumb and forefinger!

Then, pick the yarn for the wings...

...and from left to right, insert the yarn, weaving it around each one of the prongs and keep going...

...remember to push down the yarn as you go! 

This is the end of your second round...

...the end of your third round....

Notice that the odd rounds start from the left to the right, while the even ones go from the right to the left!!!

I've decided to reach 15 rounds and then stop weaving around...

This last picture is the real thing that you are creating, infact you have to remember to push down your yarn as you go, after each round!! The picture above this one is there to show you better all the rounds, once completed!!

Now, you can cut the wings yarn...

...grab both the green ends and tie 2 tight knots (to do that, hold the handle of the fork between your knees!) , to fix the body and the wings of your butterfly...

Once this passage is done, you have to grab the bottom of your butterfly and gently slip it off from the fork...

When your butterfly is free, you'll have something like this...

Pick up the scissors and start to trim the antenna...

...and then trim the wings...

....and your butterfly is free to fly...

....and eventually she joins her friends....

...but she is not the only one!!! As you can see, this craft is really addictive, so many more butterflies are on the way....

....Spring is finally here!!! ;oD

I honestly think that this is a perfect craft for kids!!! If you prefer, you can use plastic forks with kids, maybe a better solution for them....less dangerous than metallic ones!!!

I really hope you will enjoy this tutorial!!!
To me, it's really important to record crafts like this need to be involved in simple projects like yarn butterflies, do you agree? ;oD

If there is any problem/question, please feel free to ask me via the comments option or here !!! Thank you!!!


xxxx Alessandra

Today links : Creative FridayLink Your Stuff and Craft Schooling Sunday!


  1. Just where's a fork. :) x

  2. What a colourful photos. The butterflies are so cute and easy to made. So perhaps I will follow the tutorial en try some of my own.
    Love from Holland, -X- Tinie

  3. Cute little butterfly. Must try this.
    Thanks for the tutorial Ale.

  4. They're very cute Ale - great craft to do with the kids. :)

  5. Wowie! Simple yet so so so pretty, as always! :)

  6. These are so sweet. I love how puffy and cute they are. I've been wanting to make yarn butterflies, so I'm bookmarking this one. :)

  7. Hi Alessandra. Thank-you for sharing this lovely craft with us. I am going to make some with Little Son and maybe we will make a little garland for his room. Lily. xxx

  8. The butterflies are awesome!!!

  9. So cute, I bet Maia would love to make these!!!

  10. Hey Ale, these butterflies are just so cute..... a great craft for littlies.
    They would look pretty hanging from the branches of a tree in the garden.
    You have been busy recently, lots of crafty fun going on at your place. Your fingers are always busy, stitching or crocheting......

    Claire xx

  11. Bel tutorial e dolci ricordi, qualche giorno dobbiamo provare anche io e la mia bimba.
    A presto

  12. I love those butterflies. They are sweet and quick. They would make a really cute mobile or applique for a blanket too.

  13. This is sooo cute! Thanks a lot for sharing this at Link Your Stuff. Have a lovely day!
    Best wishes, Annemarie

  14. Super cute!! ♥ And such a nice way to remember your mum :-). I guess it's hard to stop when once started making these little fellows, isn't it ;-)

  15. ME ENCANTAN!!!!!!!

  16. Sooooo adorable! I love the colours. xox

  17. Awww these butterflies are just adorable! I'm going to be getting my fork and yarn out later and giving it a go :) Elisabeth x

  18. Good Morning Alessandra
    and Greetings from Ireland

    I just wanted to pop by and wish you
    a very Happy St. Patrick's Day.

    May you always have
    Walls for the winds,
    A roof for the rain,
    Tea beside the fire,
    Laughter to cheer you,
    Those you love near you,
    And all your heart might desire!


    ps love the tutorial

  19. Oh my... These are sooo cute!!
    Such unique and beautiful idea for spring decoration!

  20. Oh I love them Ale, I'm def going to be making some of these, your first picture with all the colours is SOOOOOO beautiful...ahhh made me smile this morning whilst Elizabeth screams her little tired head off :o) xxx

  21. This is GREAT! My kids are gonna love making some of these sweet butterflies, thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  22. Thank you for sharing these Are so cute! I look forward to trying them...

  23. Wunderful and so easy.

    LG Heather

  24. beautiful, clever idea and sooo 'do'- able. Just not sure what you mean by "trim the wings" ?? Do you mean trim the yarn ends?

    Thanks for a lovely craft idea!

  25. Yes Maryke! I mean : trim the yarn ends!
    thank you, xxx Ale

  26. Adorable! so many cute things you can do with these little gems. are you giving a potted plant or plastic plants, attach one to a skewer stick with a glue dot to add color to the pot. Add a small magnet to the back of them to decorate the fridge. really the ideas and possibilites are endless. possible to even use in scrapbooking page, depending on how thick you make them. Thanks for sharing

  27. Fantastic Butterflies! thank you x

  28. Alessandra - what a great & fantastic idea & they are so beautiful I'm going to give it a try especially since I have lot's of left over yarn from my crochet projects. Thanks for sharing you idea.
    Susan of Sunny Oxnard California ":)

  29. Dear Elaine, Emma and Anonymous!!!
    I thank you so much for your visits and comments!!!
    I'm really happy to know that my butterflies have been really appreciated by all of you!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  30. So fantastic butterflies. Thank you for this funny and easy idea.


  31. to Liane : You are welcome!!!
    xxx Ale

  32. These are adorable! Hope you won't mind me linking to them next week at Tangled Happy. Thanks for sharing this tutorial! I know two little ladies who would love to try making these. :)

  33. How cute are these! Absolutely adorable and a great stash buster and decorative item alike.

  34. I can't wait to make some of these and then show my grand daughters how to make them. I live in Alberta Canada and we do go south for the winter but upon coming home we still have a long not so warm summer ahead of us!

  35. These are so great! As soon as I am able to stop making them myself I will do it with the kids! Little one will be so happy to finally do her own yarn work !!! Thank you :)

  36. Very fun little project! Thanks for sharing it!

  37. Adrei as borboletinhas!Muito facil de fazer .vou tentar com minhas filhas.Estou te seguindo como josê e me blog é

  38. This is a beautiful project. Your tutorial is very professionally done. I plan to do this with my grandchildren for their mother's day gift for their mom.

  39. Going to try these with kids at church day camp this summer. Might glue a pin-back or magnet to them. They would be a great item to include in Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes! Thanks for the idea!

  40. Nice butterflies, i'm gonna follow you.
    Greetz Chantal

  41. Hello,Alessandra. Thank you so much for the pattern of the cutest butterflies I've ever seen. I just couldn't stop making them.Going to use them on some crochet scarfs and hats for my friends,for next Christmas. Thank you again, From Texas,love Peggy.

  42. this is terrific. i am a knitter and hate to throw away any length of yarn. i will make a few dozen flutterbys and then string them on fishing line, hang them from the inside of my window. when the breeze blows in, my flutterbys will fly around my window.

  43. I'm the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your butterflies! You can see them here:

    If you have other kid friendly crafts, we'd love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful project idea!

  44. I just want to say these are NOT just for little girls! 2 little boys I sit for had a blast making them for their Mom! And --- a variegated yarn makes a reversible one!!! Different patterns on each side! Beautiful! Thank you! JEANNIE C

  45. Bedankt voor deze leuke tutorial
    groetjes, Marieke

  46. They're just so sweet - many thanks for sharing! All the best, Rachael

  47. Butterflies are great and easy to make. Thanks

  48. These are so cute, can't wait to show them to my two grand-daughters. Thank you so much for sharing:)

  49. @ Diginan : hope your grand-daugters will have a lot of fun in making them !!!! Thank you,
    xxxxxx Ale

  50. so adorable! i'm not usually super crafty b/c of clean-up w/ 3 girls 6 and under, but this is RIGHT up our alley! thanks!

  51. I love these!!! My grandchildren will love making these. They would be good as a clippy in the hair or on a head band too!!

  52. I love these!! My grandchildren will love making these!! Thank you for sharing!

  53. Wow this is so easy! I always have wool left over when I finish my knitting projects! Can't wait to show this to my 8 year old! This would be a good idea for her friends at her birthday party in the summer - a self-made souvenir!

  54. What a cute idea for leftover yarns! I love these butterflies!
    Lee Ann

    Crochet...Gotta Love It! Blog:
    YouTube Channel:


  55. Goodness, that's so easy and so much fun as well! They'd be such a wonderful decoration for a kid's room or something!

  56. merci pour ce tuto fort simple mais tellement sympatique

  57. This is so perfect with our school holidays around the corner. Imagine the range of butterflies you can make. Use baby wool, glitter wool, fluffy wool any wool, then think about what you can attach them to!!!

    1. the sky is the limit!!! Have fun with them,
      xxxx Ale

  58. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing - we will be making hundreds of those with our brownie troop for the holiday bazaar on Friday! You rock!

    1. Thank you, Maria! Hope you will have a lot of fun in making the butterflies!!!
      xxxx Ale

    2. Thank you, Maria! Hope you will have a lot of fun in making the butterflies!!!
      xxxx Ale


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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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