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Did I crochet in the meantime????

… Oh yes, quite a lot !!!! Just to relax and to forget about all the mess around me !!!! ;oD

I posted something on my Facebook page, such as a trio of floral coasters, my version of the popular south bay shawlette, a couple of necklaces made with tiny roses and a triangle crocheted infinity scarf !!!!

But today I'll show you other things that I didn't post anywhere !!!

a long necklace made with a curlicue (the foundation chain was made with more than 400 chains !!!)

… and some crocheted mini bags, worked with a 4mm hook and two cotton strands ( of contrasting colours) at the same time

1 - Free pattern here, click on the orange rectangle on the low right corner for the chart :

2- The "Mum Market Bag Pattern" ( free written pattern here) :

3- Crochet shopping bag ( free written pattern here ) :

… And this time I remembered to bring with me my "circles" (look here and here ), that are giving some colour to my white new kitchen……

I didn't buy any new yarn this summer and I hope to find some shops here in Maputo to create my new yarn stash ….. !!!!! ;oD

Another thing : Margot is here with us and she is enjoying it, too !!!

xxxx Alessandra

Today link : ink your stuff!


  1. My goodness Ale, you are so productive!
    And all so pretty :-)
    Love, Mirjam.

  2. ….and you are a great follower!!!!! ;oD
    thank you, xxxxx Ale

  3. Bene !Margot ha preso posto e sembra felice , le borse che hai fatto sono davvero belle , adoro la shopping bag , immaginavo che anche nel trambusto del trasloco non avresti rinunciato a cotone e uncinetto ! Sono curiosa di sapere se troverai interessanti negozi di lana nei paraggi , per i tuoi nuovi lavori ! Adesso il mare e il sole non mancano neanche a te ! Ti sento più vicina di prima , basta attraversare l'Africa con il pensiero ; )

  4. Wonderful to see you are back and also to see you spent you time away keeping yourself busy making lots of pretties for us to see and admire. The necklace is fabulous. I know that stitch so well it is very effective but time consuming ! Well done!
    I am not going to pop into your previous posts a I had a quick glimpse of some rather wonderful fabric photos and I want to go back to have another proper look. Those wonderful colours call me!
    keep well

    Amanda x

  5. Hellooooooo!! How are you and your family? In the new country and home;) Good to hear from you and see all the bags you have made, I love them all. Can't wait untill you are taking a walk with your camera. byebye Francien

    1. Ciao Francien !!! We are all well, thank you !!! You liked all my bags??? That's great!!! ;oD
      Soon a new post about a stroll along the beach in front of our new home….
      xxxxx Ale

  6. Bentornata! Ora siamo un po' più vicine ;).Belli i tuoi lavori...anche io aspetto di sapere se troverai un negozio ben fornito...è una delle prime cose che ho cercato quando mi sono trasferita qui...Buona nuova vita e a presto!

    1. Ciao Laura!!! graze per gli auguri e per la tua visita, che mi ha fat to davvero mol to piacere!!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

  7. Welcome back Ale!
    Good to hear everything is OK and that you are slowly settling down.
    As I can see your hook has been busy :)

  8. Hello Ale!
    Are you and your family happy and healthy in your new place? And you sure were busy and creative! Such nice things I see on the pictures and I love your necklace! Good to see your cat feels at home too! Looking forward to see more pictures soon!

    1. hi Andree'!!!!!
      so glad to have you here!!!! we are all fine, thank you!!!! i'm ready to resume the old blog routine, so more photos soon!!!! ;oD
      xxxxxx Ale

  9. Welcome back, lovely to see you again Ale! Your crochet makes are amazing, such lovely things and gorgeous colours. I enjoyed seeing the pictures in your last post too, what an interesting place you have moved to! Hope you settle in well and your home is feeling homely. Lovely that your kitty is there too :)
    Helen xox

  10. You've been busy!! Such lovely colors! Cute bags!
    Kate :}

  11. I love those bags. Really nice colours.

  12. That are nice pieces of crochet again! Thanks for showing. And what a nice beach overthere (other post)! Greets

  13. Oh i forgot tot say: really fine that your cat has arrived!

    1. thank you Lizette, for everything!!!!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

  14. Nice to see you back , Ale!! :) hope you have settled in the new place. I am sure you will find some stores there , it is always interesting to know different things we get at different places.
    Your crochet work is beautiful:) you have been productive these many days!!

  15. I know you can't go very long without making something with hook and yarn. Always such lovely projects. :) Tammy

  16. The travelcat "Margot" hihi. And you have made many things, very nice:-)The bags are waiting for to take them to the market to buy some fruit to put in it.:-):-) X

  17. Welcome back in blogland, dear Alessandra! Great to have you here again :-). Beautiful crochet works, the necklace is a super idea ♥. Oh and Margot, soo sweet!! Good that she's happy in the new home, too. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pics! Have a good time & enjoy te new country! Nata xxx

  18. Wow, you have been busy! Lovely things.

  19. I LOVE those little mini bags ... so cute and very clever!
    M x


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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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