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About my crocheting….

….. it's seems I'm a bit lazy with my hooks lately, in part it's true and in part it's not…

I'm working a colourful piece of fabric ( just look above!) in which double crochet stripes ( in red and hot pink) alternate single crochet ones ( in blue, lime green, peach and pink !), but still I'm not sure what  I'm crocheting……

…. and I don't feel the urge to complete this "thing"! I'm very relaxed about everything lately, probably because it's about time to feel in this way!!! The big move is done and we are simply waiting for our stuff to be at home with us…. after that, we'll surely feel at home again!!!

I think I have to enjoy this quiet time…. kids are "back" (well, they started school in a new one!) to school and have, once again, a routine to follow and some new friends that make this transition smooth and enjoyable… They have started even afternoon activities and Kayaking in the sea is a cool discovery!!!

My husband is back to work, too and the fact that the office is just few minutes away from home and that we have lunch together one day yes, and day no, well this is quite good too!!!

Margot is doing what cats always do : not much, apart sleeping a huge amounts of hours every day!!! ;oD

As you can see from my latest posts, I'm doing the tourist in the meantime : so many things to discover here and in the surroundings …. my agenda is busy and every day I add something more to do, while ticking off what I was allowed to do (the museu nacional de art and the museu de la revolucao are closed for renovation…I discovered all that while in front of closed doors of both museums!) ….

…. and having enough of the stripes, I decided to start a different pattern on one side of my colourful piece of fabric : one row made of single crochet stitches, followed by one row of classic filet….

…. well, it was about time to relax and enjoy life, right ?

Have a wonderful weekend, xxxx Alessandra

Today link : Link your Stuff !


  1. Oh yes - relaxing sounds like a good thing for you to do. When your stuff gets there you will be busy as a bee putting everything away and organizing. Enjoy your quiet time. :)

    1. Thank you Debi !! Wise words, yours!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

  2. That sounds like freeform. That is letting your crochet hook take over! In my opinion that is surely the most relaxing and therapeutic form of crochet . It is obviously what you need for the moment so enjoy!!!

    Amanda x

  3. I don't know how big it is, your crochet work, but it could be a place mat or table mat:)) The colors are great and cheerful. Do you have a table already?? because you wrote....waiting for your stuf :)) Enjoy your days, and your new routine and stay relaxed!!! :)) byebye Francien

    1. Hi Francien! Oh yes, luckily we have a table and some chairs!!! ;oD
      A table mat/runner could be one of the options, I agree with you!
      Thank you and have a lovely weekend, xxxx Ale

  4. Hello!
    Whatever you decide to turn it into, I love the colours very much! And there is something to be said about just having fun crocheting along!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Ingrid xx

  5. Nice to meet you Ingrid!
    Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment!
    xxxxx happy weekend, Ale

  6. That is the good thing of crochet. You are free to crochet whenever and whatever you want in your own ritme, with the yarn and colours and stitches you love. Can't get much better I think:) Have a happy weekend in your new home!

  7. Calm down Ale, you have a busy time recently.
    The sentence in crocheting comes naturally back again, all in good time.
    A lovely weekend.X Chantal

  8. Well I have no idea what your crochet fabric will be, but it is beautiful! Perhaps a lovely big squishy cushion with a beautiful cover! It sounds as though you are all doing well at settling in to your new home and getting on with enjoying life, I hope that it keeps going well. xx

  9. so lovely that you are enjoying ale, good for you. i loved your beach and museum visit, getting to know your surroundings! i loved that you signed the guest book! have you found a yarn store yet? take good care dear friend. xoxo

  10. oops i forgot to say beautiful crochet!

  11. Hi Alessandra - so sorry I've taken so long to welcome you back but so happy you're 'here' again! Sounds like everything is going 'fabby' for you and your family - hurray! I've taken the Summer off myself just to 'be at home' and chill out with the boys :) Love your crochet fabric, so nice to see your colourful work again!
    Alison xx

  12. I love it! these colours are great!
    I hope you enjoy your new home and soon you have all in place!
    Have a nice day, Ale!

  13. Lively colors for this one! Maybe it will turn into a blanket or a rug :)

  14. Such beautiful colors! Sounds like everyone is exploring and settling in nicely which is great!
    Kate :}

  15. Ale, whatever this becomes, it's already beautiful! Lovely color choices -- wonderful. :)

  16. Sometimes, even life gets in the way of crochet......I know, shocking! Glad you're starting to settle into your new place :) xxx

  17. No better way to relax than with a bit of crochet.

  18. Di certo il tempo che spendi a giorovagare per le strade di Maputo non sarà tempo perso , anche tu devi prendere confidenza e lo sai che a me fa sempre tanto piacere osservare i tuoi scatti curiosi e sinceri !Il lavoro procede comunque , come vedo....
    Alla prossima e un abbraccio

  19. Definitely a good thing for you to take some time to relax after the move, Ale! Your crochet colours are stunning........really gorgeous! Enjoy your week, and have a lovely time exploring.
    Helen xox

  20. Beautiful collors! And the side pattern is the perfect for mij CAL blanket! Thank you! You gave me a great tip!
    Have a nice day!

  21. Hi Alessandra
    This looks YUMMY!
    You've used the most delicious colours.
    Thank you for adding to your blog roll!
    Lots of love to you!

    1. Hi Cornell !!!
      Such a big surprise to have you here : thank you!!!
      One day, I don't know when, I would love to come to Pretoria ( we just moved from Jakarta to Maputo, so we are not so far from each other!), to have the opportunity to visit your town and some bloggers from there !!!! ;oD
      Have a good week, xxxxx Ale

  22. Super pretty crochet, great colors!! ♥


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Hi my dear reader!
I'm very happy to see you here! After your visit, feel free to leave a comment!
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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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