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Museu de Historia Natural de Maputo

On Friday morning, I paid a visit to the local Natural History Museum of Maputo, who was founded in 1911 as a Provincial Museum , while from 1933 became the Museu de Historia Natural we still visit today.
For the opening hours and the tickets price you can visit their Facebook page. There is even a website, but still under construction. If you are interested to read about the celebrations of the 100 years of the museum, you can "read" ( in portoguese ) this article and for more pictures you may have a look at this post. You can notice some differences, just making comparisons with some of my pics!!!! ;oD

It's a very nice building (outside and inside) and the collection is displayed on two floors (ground floor and first floor).
The collection consists of a considerable amount of stuffed animals ( so that you can have an idea of the local fauna ), insects, reptiles, fish and an impressive elephant embryo display ( from the first month to the 22nd month, that is the end of the pregnancy!). Even though t needs some improvements ( dusty stuffed animals and some are loosing their stuffing, too!), especially in the description of the animals, that very often have only their name tags.
Apart from that, I really enjoyed the visit ( it takes almost one hour to have a proper look around), especially the ethnographic gallery and the shell collection, so pretty and old fashioned. Outside the museum, there is a lovely garden with a (fake) dinosaurs display and some gorgeous murales by Malagantana.

Well, now it's your turn to have fun!!!

dugong skeleton

dolphin skeleton

…. now take a rest, grab a cuppa and think twice before going on as there are still a lot of pics……
It's up to you, but remember : I warned you!!!!! ;oD

….when I payed for the entrance ticket, the guy at the entrance told me : " Please do not touch anything, but you can take photos "…. you know what happened then, right? ;oD

xxxx Alessandra


  1. The building is lovely, but I'm not so sure about its contents. Very interesting. I do like the baskets, mosaics, wood pieces, and the artwork at the end. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  2. A beautiful building with a great museum, thanks for showing us. It looks a bit like Naturalis in Leiden.
    Educating, for adults and the little ones:) byebye Francien

  3. I agree with you Francien : so good when you find something educative for both young's and adults!!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  4. Dear Ale, Great pictures of a wonderful museum. Love to see from you again. Love from Tinie

  5. Very nice - real old fashioned museum.
    (Smiling at the tad over-muscled kudu at the entrance :-)

  6. Ciao Alessandra, ben ritrovata ! Ti auguro ogni bene in questo nuovo paese, grazie di permetterci di girare il mondo insieme a te e attendo come sempre le tue originali creazioni.
    A presto
    Maria Luisa

    1. ciao Maria Luisa!
      Qui tutto bene e presto potrete rivedere qualche mio prodotto artigianale!!!!
      Buona settimana, xxxxx Ale

  7. Looks like a very interesting place.

    1. Hi Gillian!!!
      The place itself it's amazing! I really had a happy time visiting this old fashioned museum!!!
      Have a good week, xxxxx Ale

  8. Thanks for a tour around and inside the museum! You have a good eye for details. I like the colourful animals, photo numner?, with the fish on top. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are really welcome Andree'!!!! Glad you enjoyed the visit at the museum!!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

  9. ♥vov! Looks like a very interesting place!! Thanks for this post!

  10. I am glad you were allowed to take photos so that we can all enjoy the exhibits! Thank you for sharing!

  11. Great tour Ale!! Impressive displays....I saw some rather good african art there ....that caught my eye! Lucky!! You aren't usually allowed to take photos in museums!

    keep well
    Amanda x

  12. Thanks for the tour!
    Kate :}

  13. Wonderful to see all your pics. My children would enjoy a visit to a museum like that!


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Hi my dear reader!
I'm very happy to see you here! After your visit, feel free to leave a comment!
I love to hear from you and I like to keep in touch!
I'll answer you back asap!!
Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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