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Boa Noite !!!!

Hi my dear friends!!!!!!
I'm back !!!!!
We arrived in Maputo almost one week ago ( it was Monday the 4th of August ) and since then we had a lot to do!!!
Both my kids started school and my husband is going to work, too !!!!
I'm trying to make the house a home, while waiting for all our stuff from Indonesia…..

Yesterday we had our first tour in Maputo!!!!
I didn't bring my camera with me, just my smartphone and I and Tobia took some pics while in the car and when down!!!!

Our first impressions from Mozambique…. ( more to come, as this morning we had a lovely walk along the beach!) ….

Casa de Ferro

Mercado Municipal

Casa de Elefante

Well, that's it for now… and it's only the beginning!!!!!
So happy to be back with you all!!!!!!!!

xxxx Alessandra


  1. Yay! I am so glad you are back and everything is well!!!
    You already made so many gorgeous pictures... What an adventure this all must be for your family.
    I think you are very brave :-)! I hope all your belongings will arrive soon, so you can make a cosy home again. Lots of love from

    1. Hi Mirjam!!!!!!
      Lovely to have you here again!!!!! It has been a long time away from Blogland : I really hope not to do it again !!!! I've missed my blog and your visits!!! Nice to be touch again!
      Xxxxxxxx Ale

  2. Hi Ale, I'm glad your back, what a beautiful place and the beach is that red sand? I'll hope so that you have your stuff soon. You have a wonderful house. With love Chantal xxx

    1. Thank you Chantal!!!!!
      The house you saw in the pics is not ours : in fact the "Casa de Ferro" is a famous landmark of Maputo!
      xxxxx Ale

  3. Welcome back Alessandra! Very exiting to explore this new place! I hope you will have a wonderful time in Mozambique. Your boys look a lot like you, thanks for the beautiful pics already! I hope your belongings will arrive soon, in good condition. Enjoy and be safe :) Warm greetings, Annasoer xx

  4. Hurrah, hurrah,so glad you are all there and settling in....lovely to have you back and I love that picture of you and the boys xxxx

  5. Welcome back in blogland. What an inspiration the colours of Mozambique.
    Now unpack your yarn en needles, a lot of succes with settling in with your family.

    1. ......I have to find some yarn shops, because my yarn stash is still sailing!!!
      Thank you for the wishes!
      xxxxxx Ale

  6. Wow! Great! Welcome, Alessanrra!!!!
    I'm happy to see your new home!
    Have a nice day, Ale!
    kisses from Catalonia!

  7. Nice to see you back accompanied by all that color in your photos!! ;)

    1. Ciao Evi !!!!!
      nice to have you back here at my place!!!!
      xxxxxxxx Ale

  8. oh my goodness ale you are not going to believe this, i was going to email you today, i had been thinking about you so much and wondering how you were getting on! how wonderful you are there and hopefully all your things will be joining you soon! be well! xoxo

  9. Che belle foto ! Il posto mi sembra allegro e solare , spero che non farete fatica ad adattarvi e con tutti quei colori , la terra arancione , il mare azzurro e il mercato ben fornito , l'ispirazione è assicurata ! Un abbraccio a te e alla tua bella famiglia !

  10. It's so nice to see you back!! Loved looking through these photos and can't wait to see more of your beautiful new home!
    Kate :}

  11. Streets lined with colour, they knew you were coming! a lovely picture of you all. So nice to hear you have landed okay. Look forward to hearing more. Happy home making! Heather X

  12. Best wishes in your new home. I remember all the fabric displays like that from when I was in Malawi. Very colourful.

  13. Welcome back and all the best wishes for you all in your new home.
    Thanks for sharing the first images. Looks amazing; have fun!

    1. thank you Haafner!!!!
      it's lovely to be here again!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

  14. Thank you for sharing your photos of Maputo. I will in turn share them with my husband, his sister and brother in law, who were born there. They have such good memories of the 'old colonial days'.

    1. let me know about their impressions, then!
      thank you, xx Ale

  15. Glad to see you back and to know that you are settling in. One of our teachers moved to Mozambique last year. She seems to be loving it. Look forward to learning about your new country. Best wishes, Tammy

  16. Oh wow, i missed this post earlier today! Wat an impressions of your new surroundings. Especially the market and the tie&die blankets. :) wishing you a great stay there andere good luck with making it a real home!

    1. you are really sweet Lizette, thank you!
      xxxxx Ale

  17. Ciao,Ale!Bentornata!Ti avevo pensato giusto qualche giorno fa.Sono contenta che tu sia giunta a destinazione...ora avrai il tuo bel daffare a sistemare tutto!Il mio blog ed io siamo in vacanza,torneremo a settembre!Bellissime le tue foto e tutti quei colori...I tuoi figli ti assomigliano molto,mi pare...Un abbraccio e a presto!Nick

  18. Ciao Ale! And welcome back! Wow, Mozambique looks such an amazing and vibrant place. I am sure you will all love your time there. Good luck settling in, and look forward to seeing how your surroundings influence your work now.

  19. WOW!!
    I hope you are feeling more settled now. Lovely pic of you and your boys.
    M x

  20. this is so exiting, ale! i hope, you and your family wil have a good time in maputo and feel at home soon! good luck in your new home country!



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I'm very happy to see you here! After your visit, feel free to leave a comment!
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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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