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Absent, but "present" !!!!

Hi girls!!!!!
The time flies very quickly while busy in making a lot of gifts for family and friends in occasion of the coming Christmas ..... next week!!!!!
So I was absent from Blogland, but I had to in favour of the "present" commitment!!!! ;oD
I had taken a lot of pictures of all my works, but I'll show you just a few, ok ???

As you can remember (HERE), I was knitting a scarf with stripes (the Long Striped Scarf, from Fiona Goble's knitting book Scarves and Cowls, 36 quick and stylish knits) ....

.... and from the same book, in the meantime, I knitted even the Pompom Scarf, that is like the following ....

.... and I tell you, they are so different and so beautiful together ...

I crocheted a couple of necklaces, too !
The pattern is the same (my own design!), but I did use two different kind of yarns, so two different sizes of hooks ....


... and I made another one with buttons and beads ....

... then a bunch of hats ....

.... there are more, but I'll show you the rest another time!!!!!
The pattern I followed is free and you can find it HERE !!!

I had even to crochet (my "little" sister request !) two Totoro hats (do you remember the first one?) ...

.... slightly different from each other !!!!

Then a different kind of hats ....

..... sweet little decorations, nice to gift to a friend who was hosting a Christmas party last week !
The photo tutorial ? Have a look HERE and have fun in making them !

I've tried something new (still my own design!) for a couple of chilly friends ...

yes ... hot water bottle covers !!!!

.... So I was not kidding !!!! I was really busy !!!! ;oD

Everything is all packed now in my luggages : tomorrow we are flying back to Italy for the Christmas break ....
..... but I will pop again next week for the Season Greetings !!!!!

xxxx, Alessandra


  1. Ale - you have been busy! I am so behind with your work, you have busy hands! But then, I am behind with almost everything ;-)
    Enjoy your trip to Italy - I've seen it this in summer through a friend's and now in winter through my cousin's eyes, and I want to go.

    1. Everything you made is wonderful Ale, but the very first scarf.. my Gosh! It is gorgeous!

  2. Hi Alessandra, I know all about being being 'absent but "present"' - your 'makes' are wonderful! I particularly love your hot water bottle covers - perhaps it's our colder temperatures here!

    I think I spy some Harris Tweed in your post, hehe :) Such a busy time of year - enjoy! xxx

  3. Wonderful makes and gifts!!! I am sure that everyone will love them. Have a wonderful time in Italy! Happy Christmas! xx

  4. Wow you have been so busy! You made so many wonderful gifts, well done Ale!I wish you and your family a good time in Italy, have fun. Xxx Mirjam.

    1. thank you my dear!!!!!
      This morning we landed in Milano and we are all really excited to pass Christmas here, with our families!!!!
      xxxxxxx Ale

  5. La sciarpa a righe è stupenda!Vedo che sei in fase creativa...Buone vacanze italiane,Ale!E tanti cari auguri di Buone Feste a te e a tutta la tua tribù!Bacioni!

  6. Wow ... you have been really busy!! Such lovely thoughtful gifts! M x

  7. Uuuuufff!!!! quin munt de coses, Ale!!!! ets una treballadora incansable!!!!
    I tot és tan bonic....!!!!!!
    Feliç 2016!!!!!

  8. Wow, you were really busy indeed! So many lovely presents. Each one so pretty ♥ and surely a big pleasure for the presentee! Hugs & a wonderful 2016! Nata xxx


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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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