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Make it ! Snowman decoration !!!

…. How cute is it ????

I think I really love it, because of its simplicity and sweet smile …. do you agree, too ?

As Christmas is approaching, I thought I could share with you another seasonal photo tutorial …

Hope to make you happy with this little guy!!!


  • if you are going to use some 8 ply acrylic yarns (from my stash : white and teal), you need even a 3,5mm hook
  • a pair of scissors
  • yarn needle
  • buttons
  • white cotton + needle to sew to buttons (as eyes) on 
  • a couple of stitch markers (optional)
Please remember that I follow the US crochet terminology !


To make the snowman's belly, you need to know how to crochet the FRONT POST double crochet stitch … Do you?
It's not a difficult stitch, but maybe you need to practice it a little bit …
As usual there are great video tutorials on YouTube : have a look !!!

To crochet my snowman's belly, I've followed the pattern of the "Post Stitch Spoke Wheel", that I have on the book "150 Knit & Crochet Motifs" by Heather Lodinsky. The only difference with the original pattern is that I use 2 different colours to make the motif pops out !

If you never crocheted this stitch before, I suggest you to try just using one colour. When your confidence is grown, then try the two colours option !!! ;oD

Ready to start ???


I follow the "Post Stitch Spoke Wheel" pattern until round 4. I skip rounds 5 and 6. My round 5 is the same as round 7 in the given pattern, but with less stitches (48, not 72!).

Another difference with the given pattern : I don't start my rounds with a "chain 3". In fact, I chain 2 and then I crochet my first double crochet (= chain 3) ! 

Collect your hook and the teal yarn, make a slip knot on the hook and chain 4. Make a slip stitch in the first chain to form a ring.

ROUND 1 : chain 2 and crochet 12 double crochets . Make a slip stitch on the top of first double crochet to close this round.

ROUND 2 : you need to join the new colour (=white), then chain 1 and make a double crochet .
Overlap the teal yarn (over the white one) and crochet your first Front Post double crochet (FPdc).

Each time you have to crochet a traditional double crochet, you have to overlap the white yarn over the teal one. When you have to crochet a FPdc, instead, you have to overlap the teal yarn over the white one.
Your half second round will be like the following :

and at its end (not yet close) :

Close this round using the white yarn, making a slip stitch in the top of your first double crochet.

ROUND 3 : after the slip stitch to close the round, overlap teal over white, overlap white over teal, chain 2 and crochet 1 double crochet. Overlap teal, overlap white and make a double crochet in next stitch, overlap teal and crochet your first FPdc. Overlap white and crochet a double crochet in next stitch. Anyway, follow the given pattern!

After the last FPdc, overlap the white yarn over the teal one and make a slip stitch in the top of the first double crochet. Third round is done and you can cut the teal yarn, leaving a tail to trim in.

 ROUND 4 : Just follow the pattern : you are crocheting only with the white yarn.

ROUND 5 : it's our last round ! You need to crochet 1 half double crochet in each stitch, but only in the back loops ! In this way, you'll create a nice ridge along the base of this round. When the last half double crochet is done, make a slip stitch in the top of your first chain 2. 
Cut the yarn, fasten off and trim in the ends.


You need to crochet just 3 rounds of a traditional circle with double crochets, using the white yarn.
You have to stop when stitch #33 (of the third round) is done !

I invite you to follow my photo tutorial of Saint Nick ornaments, where I explain how to crochet Saint Nick's face. You follow the same steps even for the Snowman! Choose the 3 stitches of the body between any couple of FPdcs !

Once you have done the 3 DCs to join the two parts, make a slip stitch on the top of your first double crochet of the third round of the face ! Cut the yarn, fasten off and trim in the ends.


Pick up a couple of buttons, some white cotton thread and the right needle for the buttons holes!
Sew them on, almost in the centre of the circle/face.


This time you need to use the teal yarn!

Follow the pattern/photo tutorial here, where I explain how to crochet Saint Nick Hat !

For your snowman, you need 2 pieces of hat : front and back !

The "back" hat is the one with the loop, while the "front" hat is a little bit different : same pattern as the other one, but instead of the loop, you have to chain 10 and make 6 double crochets in the third chain from the hook  (make a slip stitch to join).

How to sew them on your snowman :

You put the back piece with its back on the back of the face, while the front piece has to be placed over, with the front in front of you!!!! ;oD
Sew them together  using a matching yarn and simple stitches.



Use a little piece of the teal yarn and with the help of a yarn needle, make it pass along the DCs (in and out) between the 3rd and 2nd rounds. Fix this smile with little knots on the back  .

This is it !!!!!!
 How much do you love your little guy ????? Let me know ! ;oD

Note that using the FPdc, you can crochet even some eye catching ornaments like the following :

Have fun crocheting, xxxx Alessandra

Today links : Link your Stuff ! Craft Schooling Sunday and Busy Fingers Showing Off #71!

You can find my Ravelry notes HERE !!!!!

Please, show me your makes on IG using the following hashtag : #homemadeatmyplaceoriginals or  tagging me @alessandrapoggiagliolmi .

Text, Design and Photography : Alessandra Poggiagliolmi

All Rights Reserved. No part of this pattern may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.


  1. Hi Ale,

    Cute little man!
    And you went through a lot of troubles explaining how it is made.
    Very clear.
    When time will knock at my door, I will embrace it en begin to make this snowman.
    For the time being, no time (alas!) at all!

    1. thank you Brigitte!!!!!
      ….hope you'll find the time for some lovely crocheting!!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

  2. In the message above it seems as if I address you as a cute little man, but that was not my intention of course.

  3. Ohhhh, I love it!! I'm want to make this lovely snowman!
    I received an Award and nominated you as one of the 15 blogs. Do with it what you want, see it as appreciation from my side.
    Greetings from Marijke

  4. love the snowman and the ornament! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  5. Cute! Using the front post stitches for the center was a great choice!
    Kate :}

  6. Aw, this is very cute Alessandra - beautifully described as always! You are the master of tutorials :) :)
    Alison xx

  7. Dear Ale, I love the snowman. I will try to make him. But for now I'm busy making your christmas tree.
    When I'm ready I will show all my trees. Love from Tinie

  8. ♥Hello dear friend! Sooooo lovely! Hugs xxx Riitta

  9. very sweet, I like his hat! X

  10. Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute! Cute! Will pin them! :)

  11. Ah ah ah,troppo simpatico!(Comunque anche qui oggi sole e io a casa a decorare albero,con annessi e connessi!)...buona settimana ,Ale!

  12. Supercute !!!!!!!! Gepind! Dankjewel voor de tutorial!!! :-))

  13. Fantastic!!! I love his coloured tummy especially!! xx

  14. So sweet!! Thanks for sharing :-). Hugs, Nata

  15. So very cute! Love the little smile :) and how neat your crochet is, Ale!
    Helen xox

  16. Ciao Ale ! Che simpatico pupazzo di neve ! Le decorazioni natalizie sono davvero divertenti e questo mi sembra un progetto semplice da realizzare ! Grazie 1000 per il tutorial !
    Un abbraccio e buona giornata

  17. What a sweetie Ale! And so are you; thank you so much for your thoughtful words on my blog...
    Lots of love and big hugs, Mirjam.

    1. By the way, I can not find your email adress...
      Would you be so kind to send it to me? Thanks!

    2. thank you !!!! xxxxxx
      my email address :

  18. How clever!
    Thanks for making and sharing such an elaborate and clear tutorial. Must have cost lots of time... Thank you!

    Happy Day to you! xhaafner

    1. I really love to share my tutorials…. It takes a lot of time and patience and I'm always worried to make understand my instructions easily…. then take pictures and so on…. but the satisfaction is huge !!!! Love that feeling!!!!
      xxxxxxx Ale and thank you!


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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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