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Make It ! Crochet Eyeglasses Cord !!!

….. Lately I uses my eyeglasses more and more ….. I need them to read, write or working on the computer ….. So they follow me everywhere in the house ….. But sometimes my hands are full of other things or simply I need to put them down when not in use ( just for a little while though …)…

So I thought I needed a cord to keep them with me, but I didn't want a classic chain as the one my grandma uses …. Then my brain came up with a simple crocheted version of it (to be correct : 3 versions!) and maybe you need one too, for you or as a gift ….

To start one, you need :

  • some cotton crochet threads : I use two of them to create a baker's twine effect
  • a hook ( 4mm) : pick the one right for your selected threads/yarns
  • a pair of scissors
  • a yarn/tapestry needle
  • stitch markers (optional)
  • a ruler or a tape measure
  • a pair (or more!) of silicon holders for eyeglass chain/cord
  • please remember : I follow the US crochet terminology ! ;oD

FIRST VERSION : the simple eyeglass cord

I think the right length for these cords (shown above) is 60cm. You can freely choose the right size for your cord : just try with the tape measure loosely around your neck and position your eyeglasses at the right level for you!
To reach this length, simply chain 120 for the foundation chain.

Then,  chain 1 and with your hands enlarge this loop and slip off the hook

Pick one of the silicon holders and pass the thread loop in one of its loops (!!!!) and put back in the hook

and reduce the loop

Now insert the hook in the second chain from the hook

and make your first single crochet (SC)

After 4 SCs you'll have something like this

Continue to crochet 1 SC in each following chain until you reach the last but one SC

Even this time, enlarge the loop of the stitch

Put the second silicon holder on the top of the SC

and reduce the loop 

and crochet the last SC in the last chain left

Cut the threads, fasten off and trim in the ends : DONE !!!!

Do you prefer something more feminine?
Well, just ask and I'll give you the …

SECOND VERSION : the lacy eyeglass cord

Even this time the foundation chain is made of 121 chains. This time put a stitch marker in the last chain made.

Crochet 4 more chains (you have 125 now) and insert one of the silicon holders directly on the hook (this is another method : pick the one you prefer!)

Work 1 chain, passing the threads before in the holder, then in the loop on the hook (126 chains) and crochet 4 more chains (130 chains)

Now insert hook in the stitch with the marker and make your first SC and follow this scheme

This pattern is very easy : after the first SC, chain 4, skip 4 chains on the foundation chain, make a SC in the 5th chain of the foundation chain ! Repeat till the end !!!
After 3 times repetition, you'll have the following

When your last 4 chains are made, remember to put on the hook your last silicon holder

Push it close to the chain and crochet the last SC.  Cut the threads, fasten off and trim in the ends !
Another eyeglass cord is ready to wear !!!!

THIRD VERSION : the undulate eyeglass cord

Follow this chart (a kind of!)

Once you have crocheted 126 chains (group of 7x18 times!) for your foundation chain, put a stitch marker in the last chain, then make 1 more chain (127), insert the first silicon holder (as for the second version), make another chain (128) passing the threads through silicon holder and thread chain, add 1 chain (129). After all that, crochet your first slip stitch (this is the first slip stitch in the scheme) in the chain with the stitch marker and follow the chart, adding the SC, the half double crochet, the double crochet and on !

The first "wave"

The second "wave"

When almost completing the last "wave"(you have just done the last SC of the wave), insert the second silicon holder and then crochet the last slip stitch! Cut the threads, fasten off and trim in the ends.

What do you think ? ;oD

So ladies, what are you waiting for to crochet some eyeglass cords ??
Maybe a fourth version? :oD
Have fun crocheting,

xxxx Alessandra

P.S. : I made a simple eyeglass cord even for my husband (the foundation chain is made of 130 chains) and he is wearing it proudly at the office!!!! ;oD

Today links : Link your Stuff!Craft Schooling Sunday and Bus Fingers Showing Off #70

You can find my Ravelry notes HERE !!!!

Please, show me your makes on IG using the following hashtag : #homemadeatmyplaceoriginals or  tagging me @alessandrapoggiagliolmi .

Text, Design and Photography : Alessandra Poggiagliolmi

All Rights Reserved. No part of this pattern may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.


  1. Hello, just out of bed... glasses on the tip of my nose, reading your post. Yes, my arms are also too short, lol, great idea! I like the pattern of the yellow/blue one. Byebye ....!

    1. good morning Francien!!!! So happy that someone share my some problem ….. ;oD !!!! I'm not alone in this world of women 40+ !!!!!!
      Have a good day, xxxxx Ale

  2. Clever! I like the baker's twine look!
    Kate :}

  3. Neat and so very practical Ales! I so need one of these! I leave my glasses around everywhere!
    I think they could make a nice little christmas gift too.
    Thanks for sharing!

    keep well

    Amanda xx

  4. Very cute idea Alessandra! I love all the variations :) :)
    Alison x

  5. Hi Ale, what a great idea!
    I love them, tanks for sharing this pattern. X Chantal

  6. Ma che brava che sei! E le tue istruzioni sono sempre le migliori!

  7. Hi Ale,

    Long time no see (shame on me, way too busy all the time!) but I am glad I visited you again because this is what I desperately need. Also looking for my glasses all of the time.
    I am certainly going to make this as well.



    1. Ciao Brigitte!!!!
      no worries at all! All the times you can visit me you are really welcome!!! I pop over your blog very often, but I'm not leaving any comment because google translate disappeared….. ;oD
      hope to see you soon, xxxxxxx Ale

  8. These are great - I could do with a few of them for myself.

    1. Why not? Have a try and let me know!!!!! ;oD
      xxxxxx Ale

  9. My goodness you have been busy!! You will never misplace your glasses now that is sure. I have to wear mine all the time, so I always know where they are, but a great idea for someone who has to take theirs on and off! xx

  10. Questo è un lavoro bello e utile! Avete una grande collezione! Grazie per la condivisione! Spero di continuare nella vostra nuova casa felice e che la tua famiglia è bene! Baci da Catalonia! Oh, io non parlo italiano, ma piacere parlare! Io uso google traduttore, ma parlo catalano ed è facile da capire un'altra lingua romanza. Buona giornata, Ale!

  11. Ciao Ale ! Con i tuoi cotoni allegri metti sempre il buon umore : )
    Mi piace molto quello turchese e giallo !
    Un abbraccio

  12. Ecco,questo dovrei proprio farmelo...Proprio oggi mio marito,scherzando, mi ha detto che gli costo più di occhiali che di tutto il resto.In effetti uso quelli da presbite,ma li perdo,mi cadono,li rompo...un disastro!Il fatto è che la cordicella mi dà fastidio...Magari se me la facessi io,sarebbe diverso...chissà!;-)))Buon fine settimana ,Ale

  13. So much fun, I have a feeling this is just the beginning! thanks as always for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

    1. thank you Sara!!!!! ;oD
      Have a lot of fun, xxxxxx Ale

  14. Ci pensavo proprio oggi, intanto che aggiustavo la mia catenella, a cercare ispirazioni per farmene alcune colorate all'uncinetto.

    1. …. il mio tutorial e' arrivato al momento giusto, allora!! :oD
      Spero ti sia di utilita', xxxx Ale

  15. Thank you so very much for this fantastic easy to follow, quick to make, very practical and look fantastic....

  16. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't crochet, but I do know how to make a chain stitch. I think I can do this and I really want something soft for my eyeglasses.

  17. LeeAnne Sadilek2 March 2016 at 23:10

    I need to make a couple of these! Can you buy the silicon loops at Michaels or Joanns? Or any standard craft store chain? Thanks!

  18. Hy Alessandra, i love this post and very helpful for me.. thank you so much.

  19. Cute! I want to make them, but where do I find the silicone holders? Michaels?

    1. well, I'm not from the States, but I think you will find them at Michaels! just check their website! ;oD
      xxxx Ale

    2. I just made my first cord, and I love it! I am making one in every color to match my dresses! Thank you for the pattern!

    3. So glad to hear you liked this pattern!! You are really welcome and have fun crocheting more cords!!!
      xxxx Ale

    4. So glad to hear you liked this pattern!! You are really welcome and have fun crocheting more cords!!!
      xxxx Ale

  20. All of them are beautiful. Well done!


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xxxx Alessandra

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