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Doily-Along : My Reveal !!!!

…. sorry for the delay, but the last two weeks have been a little bit crazy ….

Problems with a slow internet and some black-outs …

Christmas crafty photo tutorial to organise ….

…. and our family life in the between!!!!! ;oD

Now, eventually, I can show you my work ….

….. The original idea was to crochet a lacy and colourful curtain for the big window of our kitchen ….

…. I told you I hadn't in mind to make a big doily, but ….

…. I couldn't find any curtain rod for that window, that has even a metallic frame, so, even a natural option, like driftwood with some nails, had to be rejected ….  : (((

Anyway, I'm happy with this result and I love the asymmetrical shape !!!

What do you think ???

If you are interested to read more about this Doily Along, just click : herehereherehereherehere and here !!!!

Thank you KATE !!!!

xxxx Alessandra

Today links : Link your Stuff ! Craft Schooling Sunday and Busy Fingers Showing Off #69 !!


  1. Love the colors of the flowers:)

  2. Oh wow, your doily looks beautiful Ale! It would have made a lovely curtain too. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Blowing you a kiss from Rotterdam.

    Madelief x

  3. I love the colors and shape.... but.... if it was mine:) I would go for a look to buy or improvise a rod for a curtain, byeeeeeeee :))

    1. .... in this part of the world there is no IKEA !!!! ;oD
      xxxxxx Ale

  4. I like the colours and I like it the way it is. The pattern is beautiful. Love Tinie

  5. That looks great! So colourful!

  6. It is beautiful, Ale! I just love the colour combinations and textures you create!
    Helen xox

  7. I'll love it!
    it's beautiful :-))
    X Chantal

  8. Prachtig... ik denk dat ik dit ga gebruiken voor een gordijnenrand voor mijn hobbykamer...
    Echt mooi... vooral die vrolijke kleurtjes!

    1. thank you!!!!! If you are going to crochet one as a curtain for your studio, I would love to see it!!!!
      xxxxxx Ale

    2. on my pinterest : hobbyroom... there's a little picture! It's not mine (not yet...haha) it's already an idea!

  9. Oh, how lovely! Great shape, great colours - perfect!
    Alison x

  10. Hello Ale,
    I think your creation looks stunning, I like the shape, you must feel satisfied ! :)
    Take care (black outs!) and until the next post!

  11. I love the asymmetric shape! Could you use some sort of expanding rod for your curtain that would just fit by the tension of it - a bit like those expanding shower curtain poles? I just wondered! xx

  12. Looks fantastic Ale!! I too love the abstract shape, and the colors of course! Love the border in a different color! Thanks so much for playing along!
    Kate :}

  13. I love the colors and the pattern of the doilies. Looks quite spectacular :)

  14. Ottima idea e bellissimo risultato!Ciao,Bella!Baci,

  15. Il motivo è molto bello e la tua casa sarà sempre colorata e allegra ! Anche a me capita ormai troppo spesso di non avere abbastanza tempo da dedicare al blog : ( Ma passare da te è sempre una gran gioia !
    A presto e un grosso abbraccio!

  16. Hi Ale! Your doily is stunning and beautiful! I love your creativity, how you adapted it from one project to something different! And the colours are lovely and bright, something I would choose as well. The remind me of the colours of my recent South Bay Shawlette!
    Also the pointy shapes of the individual pieces is really interesting, kinda spiky! <3
    Have a lovely day!
    Ingrid xx

  17. This is lovely! Such happy colours!

  18. Oh so pretty!! I did wonder what your internet connection was like, I kept meaning to ask you....I love this, the colours (oh my!!)

  19. Beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. ♥ooo love!! soo beautiful! Happy Sunday my friend! xxx Riitta

  21. It is gorgeous Ali! If you are planning on hanging it in the window. I would recommend stiffening it with starch so that it maintains its shape, otherwise it will sag over time, sigh. thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

    1. thank you Sara, even for the precious tip!!!!! ;oD
      happy week, xxxxx Ale

  22. Beautiful. I love it, the colors are so bright.
    Have a nice sunday.


  23. This is just beautiful! A bright spot in a wintery day
    Amalia xo


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Thank you and enjoy your day,
xxxx Alessandra

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