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Make it! Lilliputian Baskets !!!

…. eventually, here we are!!!!

This is the result of my first attempt with tapestry crochet (worked in the round, with 2 strands and just 2 rounds using that technique!!!!) … Remember : I'm still a beginner ….. ;oD

They are colourful, cute and so easy to crochet : really addictive, I must add!!!

I started to be fascinated by this crochet technique since seeing the works made by Julie Hanson, the blog hostess of "little woollie", who loves to play with colourful yarns and who makes splendid blankets and washers with this crochet technique!
I was tempted by tapestry since then, but what to do and how???? I wanted to keep the design simple and as a beginner I didn't want to work with many strands of yarn at a time …. so ….
… I told to myself : have a try with something little …
But I'm very lazy in reading instructions, in fact I'm a visual learner and for this reason I thought to try tapestry crochet just recollecting my knitting attempts with fair isle knitting…. unbelievably, it worked!!!

If you are curious to know more about tapestry, I suggest you the followings :

  • some colourful yarns : I've used a selection of Moda Vera MARVEL 8 ply (100% acrylic)
  • a hook : 4mm
  • a pair of scissors
  • a yarn needle
  • Please, remember that I follow the US crochet terminology!
The dimensions of each Lilliputian Basket are : diameter 7,5cm / height 6,5cm


We begin with crocheting the base of the basket :
Choose the main colour (A) for your basket-to-be and make a slip knot on the hook.
Chain 4 stitches, push the point of your hook into the first chain made, pull back the yarn and make a ring.

ROUND 1 : chain 2 and work 12 DCs (=double crochet) into the ring ; 
                      make a slip stitch in the top of the first DC to end this round.
                      You have 12 DCs.
I suggest you to cut the tail of the starting yarn, just to have less annoying strands while working!

ROUND 2 : chain 2 and work 2 DCs in each top of the stitches of the first round.
                     As you are increasing the stitches number, you will end this round with 24 DCs.
                     After DC 24, make a slip stitch in the top of the first DC, closing this round.

ROUND 3 : chain 2 and follow this pattern : 1 DC in every odd stitch and 2 DCs in each even stitch.
                   You are going to repeat this pattern 12 times, so that at the end of the round, you will have
                    36 DCs. To close this last increasing round, just slip stitch in the top of the first DC.

ROUND 4 : chain 2 and crochet 1 DC in each stitch. You will end this round with 36 DCs (again) and as there has not been any increase in the number of stitches, your base will start to form a basin shape. To end this round : slip stitch in the top of the first DC.

ROUND 5 : join the new colour (B), simply leaving the A colour aside (just for this round) and pulling B trough the loop made from the last slip stitch. Chain 1 and crochet 36 single crochets (=SC) along the round. These stitches are the base for the tapestry crochet design (next two rounds!). Close this round with a slip stitch in the first SC done.

first SC done

same result, but different colours combo

I pass the strand trough the centre of the base, just to have less troubles while working with 2 strands together

… see ? ;oD

ROUND 6 : This is the round you start to practise with tapestry crochet and in this specific case : working in the round with two strands of yarn.
My working colour scheme will be the following : 2 DCs with colour B, followed by 2 DCs with colour A. This pattern will be repeated 9 times, until you reach the end of the round.
After the closing slip stitch of round 5, you have to carry one strand of yarn, while crocheting with the other one (see here or here, depending on if you are right or left-handed) : this is what happens with tapestry crochet!
The strand you carry is kept in a low position, while the strand to crochet with is in position as for normal crochet : in my case wrapped around the forefinger and the little finger of my left hand.
Summing up : you have just made the slip stitch to close round 5 and you have to start round 6.
As you need to carry with you even colour A (that has been neglected for all round 5), before crocheting chain 2 (as for all the previous round worked with DCs), you need to put colour A on your left forefinger (if you are right-handed like me) and make the point of your hook pass under it to grab colour B, with which you will crochet the initial chain 2 : in this way, colour A is wrapped and kept low, as you need to carry it around with you!
Crochet 2 DCs with B, while wrapping A, which is kept low. Then, low down colour B and put in "crochet position" colour A : work 2 DCs, wrapping colour B. Each time you complete a couple of DCs, remember to pull gently the strands, just to adjust the tension of your work !
The closing slip stitch is better to be done with the same colour of the first DC of the round!

beginning of 6th round : chain 2

working the first 2 DCs : yellow (B) top, red (A) low and wrapped

next 2 DCs : red (A) top, yellow (B) low and wrapped

different combo, same round

what you see from the inside : neat !

look at the forming design!

before the closing slip stitch

slip stitch done + new chain 2 of 7th round

ROUND 7 : just repeat round 6 : this is its twin round !!!!! PHEW !!! ;oD
                      slip stitch in same colour of first DC (B), to close the round.

4 'couples' crocheted

as the strands are kept, while tapestry crocheting

how to insert the hook in the stitch below

the new DC is done!

round 7 done!

ROUND 8 : work with colour B and repeat round 5, same same !!! After the closing slip stitch (into the first SC), cut colour B. Please, note that for this round you can drop the other strand at the beginning of the round, as we are working in the round!

ROUND 9 : chain 2, crochet 36 DCs with colour A, make a slip stitch in the top of the first DC.

ROUND 10 : chain 1, make 6 SCs. To start the first handle, just chain 8 and join with 1 SC in 7th stitch (you need to skip 6 stitches, after the first 6 SCs !) and crochet other 11 SCs (you will have 12 SCs between the two handles). Chain 8 (second handle) and as before, join in the 7th stitch with 1 SC (even this time, you skipped 6 stitches) and crochet the last 5 SCs (total : 6 SCs after the 2nd handle). Slip stitch into the first SC of the round to close it.

first 6 SCs

8 chains of the first handle

the first handle attached

same as the above pic !

12 SCs between the handles

2nd handle attached

round completed

ROUND 11 : as you have just slip stitched in the first SC, you need to crochet 5 slip stitches and then wrap the first handle with 9 SCs . Crochet 12 slip stitches between the two handles and make 9 SCs around the second handle. Complete the round with 6 slip stitches. 
Cut the yarn and fasten off.

beginning of round 11, 6 slip stitches

first handle, 5 SCs around it

first handle done

12 slip stitches between handles

all done!!!


Turn inside out the basket ...

… collect the yarn needle and pass the strands in some stitches to hide them. Pull gently and cut the excess of yarn …

… and opla' …

…. They are multiplying like rabbits!!!! ;oD

Have a try and let me know!!!!!

xxxx Alessandra

Please, show me your makes on IG using the following hashtag : #homemadeatmyplaceoriginals or  tagging me @alessandrapoggiagliolmi .

Text, Design and Photography : Alessandra Poggiagliolmi

All Rights Reserved. No part of this pattern may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.


  1. Looks like a great tutorial! What are you going to do with all those Lilliputian Baskets? You making anything Brobdingnagian next? :)
    Kate :}

  2. Love your little baskets, its a great technique, tapestry, but I found it also "heavy" for my wrists, byebyeeeeeeeee

    1. …. maybe you can try, this project is not really hard to crochet….
      have a good week Francien, xxxxx Ale

  3. What a great tutorial Ale! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love your little baskets! I've also been wanting to try tapestry crochet. Will definitely try your basket.

    1. thank you !!!! …. let me know about your work in progress! ;oD
      xxxxxx Ale

  5. Dankjewel voor de tutorial! Ongelooflijk schattige mandjes! Fijne week!

  6. Fantastico Alessandra! They are so colourful and fun - I can see lots more of this tapestry crochet on your blog to come - very exciting! :)
    Alison x

  7. I think, I have to try this, too,
    I have a lot of yarn left from the last rainbow-stripes blanket....

    1. Yes, you have to try!!!! Please, share with me when done!!!! ;oD
      thank you, xxxxx Ale

  8. Pretty, Ale. I almost thought I saw two little spiders!

    1. … eh! eh! eh! ;oD
      the spiders/stars are there just to define where the 6 slip stitches are …. I thought they were helpful if someone wants to count them!
      xxxxxxx Ale

  9. These are too cute!! Thank you!!!!!

  10. Dear Ale, they are really lovely. The tutorial is great, you put a lot of work in it. Love it! Love, hugs and kisses Tinie

  11. Bravo! aren't they great! ....i definitely must remember to make some! X

  12. These baskets are super cute and you used really great colors and combinations. Amazing work!

    Domestic cleaners Kensington

  13. They are so adorable! Thank you for the wonderful tutorial, Ale!
    Helen xox

  14. Ale, ha pubblicato completo! grande lavoro! ...! cestini davvero bello! Grazie a confrontare! Un grande abbraccio! io spero avete un nuovo giorno creativo!


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xxxx Alessandra

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